"Sagenhaft!", the title of our new CD plays on the etymology of Fabulous! and Legendary! and thus contains music about fables, legends, myths and fairy tales from all ages all around the world. They are deeply rooted in all cultures and have always inspired poets and composers. Which made us do some research and find the most haunting, mesmerising, disturbing and entertaining ones suitable for our line up with which we want to abduct you to the land of elves and kings, rascals and villains, and spectres and ghosts.
Trailer of the Singer Pur programme Sagenhaft!
Title list
Story (aus: Living Room Music (1940)) – John Cage (1912-1992)
Jung Diethelm (Op. 66, Nr. 1) — Joseph Renner junior (1868-1934)
The streets of Laredo – Arr.: Daryl Runswick
Max und Moritz (2015) – Wolf Kerschek (geb. 1969)
The Wild Swans at Coole (1988) – Ivan Moody (geb. 1964)
Käfer und Blume – Wenzel Heinrich Veit (1806-1864)
Cuckoo in the Pear-Tree (1988) – György Ligeti (1923-2006)
Kung Liljekonvalje – David Wikander (1884-1955)
Queste non son più lacrime – Giaches de Wert (1535-1596)
Der König in Thule (Op. 37, Nr. 4) – Wenzel Heinrich Veit
Kullervo′s Message (1994) – Veljo Tormis (geb. 1930)
She moved through the fair – Arr.: Daryl Runswick
Es sang vor langen Jahren – Raitis Grigalis (geb. 1975)
Shenandoah – Arr.: Daryl Runswick
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown – Jim Croce (1943-73) – Arr.: Dietmar Mensinger
Hänsel und Gretel (2015) – Wolf Kerschek